about us:
Logan and Sharon Anderson are Holy Spirit ministers, who for over 20 years, have served the body of Christ as pastors, itinerant apostles and prophets, conference speakers and Bible College teachers.
They have ministered in various countries around the world including New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Islands, India, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Belgium, Germany and Bulgaria.
In their time of ministry service they have taught on world religions, cults, and developed curriculum and teaching programs in the subjects of Prophecy, Gifts of the Spirit, and Spirit Realm Principles and Dynamics, Marriage and Relationships, and ‘End Times’.
As senior pastors they took over the leadership of a fledgling church in East Auckland in 1999 and established it as Wave of the Spirit Church, (a New Life Church of New Zealand). They pastored this for eight years before handing the leadership of the church over in 2007, in response to a calling into a new expression of strategic ministry to the nations.
Logan and Sharon Anderson, and Visionary Ministries International are affiliated with:
visionary ministries